  • 1.07.23
  • News

Ready for September?

We are looking forward to supporting schools in the new 2023/24 academic year, and are providing a range of services. These include our practitioner outreach service, supporting pupils directly in school settings, and also a number of group and workshop based approaches.

We are pleased to offer our popular 6-week transition programme for Primary Schools, supporting groups of pupils identified as vulnerable or at-risk, and for whom the new school year may present challenges.

The programme helps to equip pupils with the personal development and wellbeing skills that will support them to succeed in your school. Plus, by embedding your school values and ethos into every session, each school’s support is unique, whilst also covering our successful PSHE curriculum topics : 

“I am” (Self-Awareness)

“I care” (Social Awareness)

“I can” (Self-Management)

“I will” (Social Management)

Sessions last for 1 hour per week and our staff can cater for up to 10 pupils per session, delivering 2 sessions per afternoon or morning.

Contact us on 01902 552288 or for more details.

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